Democracy Now! Daily Show on Ukraine and NATO with Medea Benjamin, Reiner Braun, Ludo De Brabander
with Medea Benjamin (USA) CODEPINK, Reiner Braun (Germany) International Peace Bureau (IPB), Ludo De Brabander (Belgium) vrede vzw.
Statement of the Ukrainian Pacifist Movement
Source (with identical texts in Ukrainian and Russian): — automatic translations to Spanish, German, French, Dutch, Italian, Danish, Norwegian, Swedish, Turkish, Finnish, Hungarian see below. The people of our country and the entire planet are in mortal danger due to the nuclear confrontation between the civilizations of East and West. We need to stop the build-up of troops, the accumulation of weapons and military equipment in and around Ukraine, the insane throwing of taxpayers’ money into the furnace of the war … Continue reading →
Report by FAI on the NATO 2022 Summit in Madrid
On the occasion of the start of the campaign for the NATO Madrid 2022 Counter-Summit, the Frente Antiimperialista Internacionalista (FAI) offers to the public opinion the attached report.
Informe del FAI sobre la Cumbre de la OTAN 2022 en Madrid
Con ocasión del arranque de la campaña para la Contracumbre OTAN Madrid 2022, el Frente Antiimperialista Internacionalista ofrece a la opinión pública el informe adjunto.
Appeal: No War against the Donbass and against Russia! Stop demonizing Russia!

Coop Anti-War Café Berlin, Germany Heinrich Bücker
No to war in Ukraine – No to NATO expansion
Europe needs cooperation and disarmament
Statement of the ICC of the international No to war – no to NATO network
No to war in UkraineNo to NATO expansion |
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Europe needs cooperation and disarmament
Tensions between NATO and Russia – two nuclear-armed powers – are reaching alarming proportions. We call for an end to this confrontation: if it doesn’t end, everyone will lose. Ukraine is already paying a heavy economic and human price as a result of these hostilities, unnecessarily stirred up internationally and nationally. Following this politics of confrontation to its logical conclusion means that many people will die. Continue reading →
2022/02/08 online 19-21 h UTC
Ukraine – the next NATO war?
Ukraine – the next NATO war?
What’s going on in Ukraine? Why are Russian troops at the border? What’s it got to do with NATO?
Peace movements across Europe are addressing these questions, engaging with peace activists in Ukraine and beyond to work for a sustainable peace.
Let’s get to the facts and do what we can to help avoid this flashpoint leading to war.
- Opening Kristine Karch, Germany, Co-Chair No to NATO, campaign Stopp Air Base Ramstein
- Reiner Braun, Germany, Executive Director International Peace Bureau (IPB)
- Nina Potarska, Ukraine National Coordinator Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF)
- Yuri Sheliazhenko, Chair of Ukraine chapter of War Resisters International, peace journalist
Join us to discuss these key issues on
Tuesday 8th February at 7pm UTC
(8am HT | 2pm ET | 7pm UTC | 8pm CET)
Organised by No to war – No to NATO network
This webinar is part of the mobilization of counter actions towards the NATO summit in Madrid 29+30 June 2022.
7 Unasked Questions About US Military Spending
Here is the link to the article:
Hybride Konferenz / conference / conferencia – Frankfurt/M. Germany Oct 2021
Militarismus und Frieden in Lateinamerika und der Karibik – Dokumentation der Konferenz
Militarism and Peace in Latin America and the Caribbean – Conference Documentation
Militarismo y paz en America Latina y el Caribe – documentación de la conferencia
Veranstaltet von | organized by | organizado por:
Stopp Air Base Ramstein beschließt Aktionswoche 2022 | #11 Newsletter 2021