On this show we are speaking with Angelo Cardona about the First Youth Summit Against NATO. https://www.pressenza.com/2021/05/face-2-face-with-angelo-cardona/
Ukraine crisis shows a new way to peace is needed after the failure of nation-state and collective security
by Yurii Sheliazhenko Transcript of a presentation delivered at the International Peace Bureau’s webinar on the dangerous US/NATO/Russia/Ukraine maneuvers 5 May 2021. (Video from the webinar: webinar-discussion-about-the-dangerous-us-nato-russia-ukraine-maneuvers-2021-05-05-video/) My main point is to urge you against seeing whole problem only in the Ukraine crisis. Let’s see the big picture. War in Ukraine started in the interests of superpowers. It is a war for status quo, for a cold-war-like world. United States and Russia treat Ukraine and European Union like a chessboard … Continue reading →