NATO 2030 – Vorlage für eine neue NATO – Strategie
Mittlerweile gibt es einen Übersetzung zu NATO 2030
Der nächste NATO Gipfel (Präsenzveranstaltung) ist am 14. Juni 2021 in Brüssel.
Ukraine: are we facing the next (big) war?
By Reiner Braun Nothing is harder and nothing requires more character, than to be in open opposition to its time and to say to say loudly: No. I put this quote from Kurt Tucholski at the beginning of my remarks because it is also about countering the narrative of mainstream politics and media reporting with clarification and facts.
Continue reading →Kuba äußert sich zu militärischen Aktivitäten von USA und NATO nahe Russland
Atomwaffen raus aus Deutschland – über Blockadeaktionen in Büchel und Gerichtsverfahren (Video)
Mit Marion Küpker und ihrer Rechtsanwältin Anna Busl sprach Pascal Luig über den anstehenden Prozess, den zivilen Ungehorsam, den aktuellen Stand der Anti-Atomwaffen Proteste in Büchel, sowie über die nötige Solidarität. Die Online-Veranstaltung fand via Zoom am 9. April 2021 statt:
Continue reading →Nation – Hypersonic Wars
“The 500 additional troops being sent to Germany are not just ordinary GIs, meant to bolster frontline formations, but rather highly trained specialists intended for “multi-domain operations” involving cyber and space combat as well as “long-range fires” employing hypersonic missiles” By Michael T. Klare April 20, 2021 From the Forever Wars to the Hypersonic Wars The United States bolsters high-tech forces in Europe
Continue reading →Colombia: An Ideal U.S. Client-State in the Western Hemisphere
By Angelo Cardona –April 16, 2021 Washington has long helped fuel the devastating conflict in Colombia that goes back to the era of La Violencia in World War II
Continue reading →Minutes of the ICC meeting (online) April 7th, 2021
ICC No to NATO, 7 April 2021 Participants: Kristine, Lucas, Reiner, Ludo, Kate, Tamara, Joseph, Ann, Alain, Yves-Jean Next NATO summit: Ludo gives first information: Date not confirmed: June/ July (14 July?) 2021 NATO Summit Brussels First Belgium zoom call about what can be done Ideas: Online counter summit similar to world social forum Small actions: bike tour, city guide tours Demonstration will not be possible due to corona restrictions Discussion: Hybrid events, decentralized protests connected via internet Series of … Continue reading →
Ukraine, US bomb in Europe
by Manlio Dinucci The Aviano base US F-16 fighters are engaged in “air operations” in Greece, where the Iniochos 21 exercise began yesterday. They belong to the 510th Fighter Squadron stationed in Aviano, whose role is indicated in its emblem: the atom symbol with three lightning strikes the earth, flanked by the imperial eagle. Nuclear attack aircraft are therefore those engaged by the US Air Force in Greece. Greece granted the United States the use of all its military bases … Continue reading →
History lesson in pictures: The Nazis inside Ukraine
Organizing Notes Bruce Gagnon is coordinator of the Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space. He offers his own reflections on organizing and the state of America’s declining empire….
Continue reading →Ukraine On Fire 2016 Oliver Stone
As much as any place around the world the current situation in Ukraine could be a trigger for nuclear war. With the recent construction of US Aegis-Ashore ‘missile defense’ (MD) bases in Romania and Poland (that could also fire nuclear-capable Tomahawk cruise missiles that could reach Moscow in 10 minutes) as well as current deployment in the Black Sea of Navy Aegis destroyers with MD systems on board, it seems crucial that world citizens should have a greater understanding of … Continue reading →
NATO Foreign Ministerial Statement
NATO press release from 23 March 2021 PR (2021) 043 Issued by the NATO Foreign Ministers Brussels, 23rd-24th March 2021 We are meeting in Brussels to reaffirm the enduring transatlantic bond between Europe and North America, with NATO at its heart. We are bound together by our shared democratic values, and by our adherence to the purposes and principles of the United Nations Charter. NATO is the foundation of our collective defence: together we reaffirm our solemn commitment to the … Continue reading →
Le secrétaire général Jens Stoltenberg a publié son rapport annuel pour 2020
Le rapport annuel 2020 passe en revue les activités et les réalisations de l’OTAN au cours de l’année écoulée, notamment la réponse de l’Organisation à la pandémie de COVID-19, les efforts qu’elle a déployés pour que la crise sanitaire ne se transforme pas en crise sécuritaire, et l’initiative OTAN 2030 destinée à préparer l’Alliance pour l’avenir. En 2020, l’OTAN a agi pour aider à sauver des vies et préserver la sécurité de ses populations. Elle a apporté son soutien à … Continue reading →
Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg has released his Annual Report for 2020
The Annual Report for 2020 covers NATO’s work and achievements throughout the year, including NATO’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic, its efforts to ensure the health crisis did not become a security crisis, and the NATO 2030 initiative to future-proof the Alliance. …
The Annual Report includes the results of new polls on the public perception of the Alliance. These show that, in a year of upheaval, overall support for the NATO Alliance, the transatlantic bond and collective defence remains strong.
The Report also includes the details of estimated 2020 national defence expenditures for all 30 NATO Allies.
The full Report is now available online. (