NATO report makes recommendations to reduce internal conflicts and strengthen the alliance against Russia and China.
BERLIN/BRUSSELS (Own report) – NATO must strengthen its cohesion and take new steps to position itself against Russia and China, according to the report “NATO 2030” officially presented by the military alliance at its meeting of foreign ministers that ended yesterday. Vetoing inconvenient decisions by the Alliance will be made more difficult. Cooperation with countries at Russia’s borders and in China’s vicinity should be intensified. The report was commissioned last December to settle openly escalating dissension within the Alliance, which French President Emmanuel Macron previously denounced in blunt terms (“brain death of NATO”). The report was drawn up under the aegis of former German Defense Minister Thomas de Maizière and US diplomat Wess Mitchell. German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas has highly praised the report, intended to provide the basis for a “Strategic Concept,” whereas experts dismissed it as a “security policy hawker’s assortment.”