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Militär – auch katastrophal für die Umwelt
Lesen oder Download Tarantel#89.pdf
Zeitschrift der Ökologischen Plattform bei der Partei DIE LINKE.
Militär – auch katastrophal für die Umwelt
France launched a cruise missile from a submarine, the French Armed Forces Department announced on Tuesday, October 20. The Suffren, a new generation of nuclear attack submarines, has “successfully carried out” this Naval Cruise Missile test fire off Biscarrosse (Landes), he said in a statement. “This success gives a new strategic capability to our Navy, it is among the best in the world”, welcomed the Minister of Armies, Florence Parly. “Until now, French submarine forces could hit submarines and surface … Continue reading →
As coronavirus case numbers soar, the state prepares to host Rimpac, the world’s largest international maritime military exercise
Jon Letman in Hawaii
Jon Letman has been writing a lot, thank goodness! Here is his interview with Jon Mitchell about his new excellent book “Poisoning the Pacific” (Ann Wright)
An Interview with journalist Jon Mitchell.
Words: Jon Letman, Pictures: Top photo via US National Archives, Date: October 15th, 2020
by Manlio Dinucci (the manifesto, October 20, 2020) The art of war: New US Command for NATO Naval Battle in Europe A new NATO command was born in Norfolk (Virginia, USA): the Norfolk Joint Force Command, called “Atlantic Command,” is a clone of Naples Joint Force Command with headquarters in Lago Patria (Naples). Its constitution was approved by the North Atlantic Council at the Defense Ministers level (for Italy the first Conte Government’s Minister Elisabetta Trenta ), in June 2018. Just as the NATO command in Naples … Continue reading →
DEFENCE INDUSTRY INFLUENCE IN GERMANYAnalysing Defence Industry Influence on the German Policy Agenda
The study by Transparency International can be downloaded here: https://www.transparency.de/fileadmin/Redaktion/Publikationen/TIDS-DefenceIndustryInfluenceGermany-DIGITAL.pdf
Hier der Link zur deutschen Zusammenfassung der neuen Studie von Transparency International zum Einfluss der Rüstungsindustrie auf die Politik in Deutschland, im Internet unter
Die vollständige Studie in englischer Sprache kann unter
https://www.transparency.de/fileadmin/Redaktion/Publikationen/TIDS-DefenceIndustryInfluenceGermany-DIGITAL.pdf heruntergeladen werden.
PRESSEMITTEILUNG 23.10. 2020 Warnung vor Weltraumrüstung Bremer Friedensforum: Pandemie wird für Militarisierung missbraucht Bremen. Das Bremer Friedensforum warnt vor einer neuen Runde im Rüstungswettlauf. Während viele administrative und medizinische Einrichtungen der Staaten damit befasst sind, die Corona-Pandemie zu bekämpfen und dafür riesige Steuermittel eingesetzt werden müssen, beschließt die NATO, ein eigenes Weltraumzentrum einzurichten. Dieses militärische Weltraumzentrum soll beim Luftwaffenkommando in Ramstein, nämlich auf der dort befindlichen Air Base der USA angesiedelt werden. Mit diesem Schritt der NATO soll die Rüstung … Continue reading →
by Manlio Dinucci While the “Coronavirus crisis” continues to cause devastating socio-economic consequences also in Italy, a large part of the “Recovery Fund” is destined not to the most affected economic and social sectors, but to the most advanced sectors of the war industry. According to the EU Recovery Fund, Italy should receive € 209 billion over the next six years, of which about 81 is for grants and 128 for loans to be repaid with interest. In the meantime, … Continue reading →
Shannonwatch campaigns to end the US military use of Shannon Airport and to demand accountability for the
airport’s complicity in human rights abuse and war. It opposes the participation of Ireland in all regional military
alliances and structures, including those of the EU and NATO. It holds peace demonstrations at Shannon Airport
on the second Sunday of every month from 2 to 3pm.
The Peace & Neutrality Alliance campaigns for the right of the Irish people to have their own independent foreign
policy, with positive neutrality as a key component, pursued primarily through a reformed Unite Nations.
Global Network http://www.space4peace.org/ and Save Jeju now http://savejejunow.org/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1yoUlXphDdk
Auf Initiative der Kampagne „Stopp Air Base Ramstein“ wird ab 2020 jährlich der Roland-Vogt- Friedenspreis an eine Aktivistin oder einen Aktivisten der Friedensbewegung vergeben, die oder der sich in der Tradition von Roland Vogt dauerhaft für Frieden, Abrüstung und zivile Konfliktlösungen in außerordentlicher Weise engagiert.https://youtu.be/s1GkpbR04yU.