Political and Security Implications of a New NATO Strategy in the Making
By Xanthe Hall
The writer belongs to IPPNW Germany. This article first appeared on IPPNW Peace & Health Blog. Please click here for the original link.
BERLIN (IDN) – You could be excused for having missed the fact that NATO is in the process of updating its nuclear strategy, including substantial and significant steps. These include technologically more ambitious weapons that can be used more easily. This is the implementation of a decision made at the NATO Warsaw Summit in 2016 to revise nuclear strategy. [2020–07-17]
PFAS and The Bomb
Inextricably linked existential threats to humanity. by Pat Elder In Greek mythology, the tale of Daedalus and his son, Icarus provides a lesson that humanity has never learned. Daedalus created wings from feathers and wax. He warned Icarus not to fly too close to the sun for fear that the wax would melt. Icarus took off, exhilarated with the invention, and soared exuberantly toward the sun. His wings fell apart, and Icarus fell to his death. Remarkable technologies may escape … Continue reading →
Dedos en los gatillos, la OTAN nuclear y una reconstrucción mejor
22.07.2020 – Boston, EE.UU. – Joseph Gerson Con nuestros periódicos y reportajes centrados en la explosión mortal de infecciones de covid-19 en todo el país, y Trump inflando la supuesta amenaza de China en su esfuerzo desesperado por evitar su derrota en Noviembre, las armas nucleares de EE.UU. y la OTAN que se acumulan en Europa han pasado desapercibidas. Esto supone un gran peligro pues las tensiones con Rusia siguen aumentando. La OTAN se ha estado preparando para la guerra … Continue reading →
Trigger Fingers, Nuclear NATO, and Building Back Better
by Josef Gerson With our newspapers and press reports focused on the deadly explosion of covid-19 infections across the country and Trump inflating threats by posed China in his desperate effort to avoid defeat in November, the U.S/NATO nuclear weapons build up across Europe has gone unremarked. That too is dangerous. Tensions with Russia continue to build. NATO has been preparing for war with its “Defender” military exercises across Europe. And, Secretary of Defense Mark Esper participated in a war … Continue reading →
Invitation to sign an Appeal to the left and progressive forces in the European Parliament
Deadline 25.08.2020 Dear friends, On 23 July, the vast majority of the Left Group (GUE/NGL) in the European Parliament approved, together with the social democratic (S&D), Green and rightist (EPP, Renew) parties, a resolution which criticizes the ‘European deal’ of 21 July on the Recovery Fund and the multi-annual European budget. There are indeed plenty of reasons to criticize the proposal of the European Council, but the resolution of the European Parliament also contains elements which are unacceptable from a progressive point … Continue reading →
Article on incinerating PFAS article on incinerating PFAS
The US is incinerating is leftover stockpiles of the most lethal types of firefighting foams containing PFAS. The process is deadly to surrounding communities because the materials typically can’t be destroyed by incineration. I had a conversation with a retired Environmental Protection Agency official in New York last week and she told me there have been no shipments of retired PFAS foam from NATO bases in Europe to the U.S. for incineration. So, tens of thousands of the most … Continue reading →
International Statement of Solidarity with the U.S. Rebellions
Please sign this international statement in support of Black Live Matters protests in the US From the statement below “As we condemn the police brutality being unleashed against protesters against racism in the United States, we also recognize the brutality being carried out by the U.S. military against innocent people around the world, including but not limited to the U.S. wars in the Middle East and North Africa; the expansion of the U.S. military throughout the continent of Africa; the … Continue reading →
by Rae Street August 2020 NATO was once described as the ‘military arm of the US empire’. And one might add ‘nuclear empire’. As we remember Hiroshima on 6th August 1945, the horrendous suffering which was brought about on that day to the people of Japan and, later, on the 9th August, Nagasaki day, it is worth thinking about NATO’s policies and, in particular. Its nuclear policies. Since the end of totalitarian communism, unlike the Warsaw Pact which was disbanded, … Continue reading →
Campaign Against a New Cold War Launched and Gathers Immediate Support
A New Cold War against China is against the interests of humanity We note the increasingly aggressive statements and actions being taken by the US government in regard to China. These constitute a threat to world peace and are an obstacle to humanity successfully dealing with extremely serious common issues which confront it such as climate change, control of pandemics, racist discrimination and economic development. We therefore believe that any New Cold War would run entirely counter to the interests … Continue reading →
“Cohesive” Italian Parliament on neo-colonial missions
The Art of War “Cohesive” Italian Parliament on neo-colonial missions by Manlio Dinucci Italian Defense Minister Lorenzo Guerini (Democratic Party) expressed great satisfaction with the “cohesive” vote of the Parliament on international missions. The majority and the opposition approved 40 Italian military missions in Europe, Africa, the Middle East and Asia in compact form, there were no votes against and few abstentions except some dissent in support of the Tripoli Coast Guard. The main “peacekeeping missions,” that have been underway … Continue reading →
Press Release – Launch of an Appeal for a Nuclear Weapons Free Europe
On the 75th anniversary of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, a new campaign is being launched to make Europe a Nuclear Weapons Free Zone. The campaign is being initiated by 8 campaigning organisations: the Bertrand Russell Peace Foundation; Church and Peace; the International Network of Engineers and Scientists for Global Responsibility (INES); the International Peace Bureau (IPB); the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC); the European section of the International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW); Pax … Continue reading →
Civil disobedience against state sanctioned violence and police brutality
in case you missed today’s webinar, please find the youtube-video here:
Exposition commune Gensuiko – Mouvement de la paix
Link: common initiative Gensuiko- Mouvement de la Paix