by Manlio Dinucci Many industries and service companies are failing or downsizing due to the lockdown and subsequent crisis. Instead, there are those who gained from all this. Facebook, Google (YouTube owner), Microsoft, Apple and Amazon – The New York Times writes – ” since the coronavirus pandemic has made them almost essential services, they are aggressively making new bets “. All these “Tech Giants” are from the United States. Facebook – is no longer defined as social network but … Continue reading →
by Marco Consolo and Gregorio Piccin Damned depleted uranium. On the use of depleted uranium ammunition by NATO, General Roberto Vannacci, former commander of the Italian contingent in Baghdad, refused to be part of that acquiescence chain that for decades has involved high military leaders and Defence Ministers Vannacci filed a regular complaint with the Public Prosecutor of Rome and the Military Public Prosecutor reporting “serious and repeated omissions in the protection of Italian military contingent health and … Continue reading →
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Die USA liefern Militärausrüstung und Waffen für 60 Mio. US-Dollar an die Ukraine. Die NATO hat das Land gerade hochgestuft zum “Partner mit erweiterten Möglichkeiten”: Kiew wird eingebunden in den Informationsaustausch und die Militärübungen der NATO. Kathrin Vogler kommentiert die Folgen der weiterhin militarisierten Ukraine-Politik des Westens.
Angela Davis together with sixteen leading racial justice activists, environmentalists, trade unionists, feminists, artists and academics from around the world call for solidarity in order to build a more just and dignified world, and defeat the racism and other injustices exposed by COVID-19 (
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*Gegen NATO-Manöver Baltops 2020: ** **Kriegsspiele vor Russlands Haustür/im Ostseeraum* Benno Stahn/Kieler Friedensforum, Uwe Stahl/AG GlobKrieg Attac-Kiel Ziemlich kräftiger Wind blies den rund dreißig Friedensaktivist*innen ins Gesicht und in die Transparente. Gegenüber der Tirpitzmole im Kieler Militärhafen hatten sich die Friedensbesorgten zu einer vom Kieler Friedensforum organisierten Mahn- und Protestwache eingefunden, um gegen das 49. maritime Osteemanöver Baltops 2020 zu demonstrieren. An der Aktion am 6.6.2020 beteiligten sich Attac-Kiel, IPPNW, DFG/VK, SDAJ und andere. Corona hatte zwar dafür gesorgt, dass … Continue reading →
by Alicia Sanders-Zakre Hope you are hanging in there. I wanted to send an update about some recent nuclear policy news that provide opportunities for campaigners to be speaking up and taking action on eliminating nukes. Here you will find the Media Backgrounder_ 22 June 2020 U.S.-Russia arms control meeting in Vienna.pdf NATO Nuclear Planning Group First, as you may have already seen, NATO held a nuclear planning group meeting this Wednesday. You can read more about it in … Continue reading →