Tag Archives: Asia-Pacific
2023/07/21+22 webinar
Global NATO – all coutries are affected
Webinar during the War & Peace Day of the Virtual World Social Forum January 2021
2021/02/09 zoom webinar 9pm (EST)
Asia-Pacific Political Economy: Dynamics and Their Implications
Asia-Pacific Political Economy: Dynamics and Their Implications, Tuesday, February 9, 2021 9 p.m. (EST) Register at: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_qr3Ctt6WRYyX0KXm6-O6hQ In recent decades, the Asia/Indo-Pacific region has been transformed by unprecedented economic growth, driven in significant measure by globalization, law wage production, growing economic inequality, repressive labor laws, technological coemption and disregard for the environment. With the world’s three largesteconomies the region is responsible for 60 percent of global gross domestic product. Impacting these dynamics are the impacts of the pandemic, the U.S.-Chinese trade war including … Continue reading →
german-foreign-policy: NATO Setting Sights on East Asia
The western alliance is assuming a stronger posture in relationship to China. US experts call for NATO operations in the Pacific.
BERLIN/WASHINGTON (Own report) – NATO should systematically expand its military exercises and operations into the Asia-Pacific region, an expert of Washington’s Atlantic Council think tank proposes in the intensifying debate on the posture the western war alliance should assume in relationship to the People’s Republic of China. China’s “presence in the Arctic, in Africa and in the Mediterranean” calls for a response, according to NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg. Think tanks suggest that NATO should more closely monitor Chinese investments in the European infrastructure, because “civilian roads, ports and rails” under construction with Chinese participation “are an integral part of NATO’s plans for military mobilization.” NATO is also strengthening its relations with “global partners” such as Japan, South Korea and Australia. For the first time, Australia’s defense minister participated at the meeting of the NATO Ministers of Defense that ended yesterday. The Atlantic Council is also suggesting the establishment of a NATO military headquarters in the Asia-Pacific region.
german-foreign-policy: Der Blick der NATO nach Ostasien
Das westliche Bündnis bringt sich stärker gegen China in Stellung. US-Experten fordern NATO-Operationen im Pazifik.
BERLIN/WASHINGTON (Eigener Bericht) – Die NATO soll ihre Militärübungen und Operationen systematisch in die Asien-Pazifik-Region ausweiten: Dies fordert ein Experte des Washingtoner Think-Tanks Atlantic Council. Hintergrund ist die zunehmende Debatte darum, wie sich das westliche Kriegsbündnis gegen China in Position bringen soll. Die Volksrepublik sei “präsent in der Arktis, in Afrika und im Mittelmeer”, urteilt NATO-Generalsekretär Jens Stoltenberg; darauf müsse man reagieren. In Think-Tanks heißt es, man solle chinesische Investitionen in die europäische Infrastruktur schärfer kontrollieren; “zivile Straßen, Häfen und Bahnstrecken”, an deren Ausbau die Volksrepublik sich beteilige, seien schließlich “ein wesentlicher Teil der NATO-Pläne für die militärische Mobilisierung”. Zudem stärkt die NATO ihre Beziehungen zu “Globalen Partnern” wie Japan, Südkorea und Australien. Am gestern beendeten Treffen der NATO-Verteidigungsminister nahm erstmals deren Amtskollege aus Australien vollumfänglich teil. Der Atlantic Council verlangt auch den Aufbau eines militärischen NATO-Hauptquartiers in der Asien-Pazifik-Region.