By David Swanson, World BEYOND War, April 11, 2023
NATO will be celebrating 75 years of itself — and plotting future wars and weapons sales — in Washington D.C. in July, and a lot of people are busy planning a counter-summit and rally to oppose NATO’s agenda.
Read more : https://worldbeyondwar.org/what-does-nato-have-to-do-with-the-genocide-in-gaza/
Aus dem Anwaltsbüro spricht Nora Salem
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by Ann Wright, 26 Februar 2024. Common Dreams
In the wake of Aaron Bushnell’s self-immolation, Ann Wright recalls other suicides committed in protest against U.S. policies, including by five Americans opposed to the U.S. war in Vietnam. Continue reading →
NVI along with Jewish Voice for Peace DC-Metro, and Friends of Sabeel North America, projected photographs and slides [1] on the exterior walls of the US Holocaust Memorial Museum calling on the world to “Never Again” tolerate genocide for anyone.
Partisans of Israel have often asked: On a planet overflowing with war, famine, and cruelty, why does the world pay so much attention to what’s happening in Gaza (and the West Bank) in comparison with other horrors? The implied or explicit answer is that this must be due to antisemitism.
By Pat Elder January 27, 2024
An obscure 2022 report by the Israeli Ministry of Environmental Protection on PFAS provides shocking data on levels of PFAS contamination in the groundwater near oil installations in Haifa, Ashdod, and Kiryat Haim.
By Pat Elder January 31, 2024
Joshua Frank’s article, Making Gaza Unlivable ought to be read by everyone. Frank is the managing editor of CounterPunch. He describes the collapsing infrastructure and dire circumstances of Gaza in this January 12 story:
“Like the Allied forces of World War II, Israel is killing indiscriminately. …
Die Übersetzung mittels deepl hat jetzt eine Gruppe überprüft, sie steht online. Danke, sie bekannt zu machen.
Bei dem Zusammentragen der Korrekturen habe ich gedacht, dass eigentlich ganze Passagen – die öfter schwer erträglich sind – öffentlich vorgelesen werden sollten. Als ständige Anklage.
Steadfast Defender wirft seine Schatten voraus. Zur gegenseitigen Information, Vernetzung und Vorbereitung von Aktivitäten laden wir euch recht herzlich für
Freitag, 26. Januar 2024, 18 Uhr
zu einem onlinetreffen ein. Zugangsdaten unten. Da die Hauptaktivitäten erst im Mai sein werden, bleibt noch etwas Zeit. Einladung bitte weiterleiten.
friedliche Grüße Reiner Braun und Torsten Schleip
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https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83424115173?pwd=S21nMTRvc0tIVzBSR1pIb0I5dzF0Zz09 Continue reading →
Es gibt einen neuen Film auf dem Friedenskanal Hamburg Dauer: 14:32 Minuten https://youtu.be/Bimnquv17Dk
we must join the majority of the world’s nations in building pressure on Biden and Netanyahu to declare a ceasefire, to deluge Gaza with the food, water, medicines, and fuel essential for life. We must do this with everything we’ve got and we must do it now.
Joseph Gerson Common Dreams
Starts April 27 in Augusta, Maine, ends in Washington, DC before the events “No To NATO/Yes to Peace” for July 5-7. The NATO 75th Anniversary is July 9-11 in Washington, DC or nearby.
Photo: Protest tonight in Times Square in New York City
BREAKING: Protests Held Tonight at the White House & Times Square
Photo: Demonstration tonight outside of the White House
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(compiled by the AFSC Action Center–American Friends Service Committee)
Read the speech of Ann Wright