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Tag Archives: NATO
2025/03/08 video is online
2025/06/25-26 Den Haag Official NATO Summit
Let’s protest against the summit.
Appeal Invest in peace – not war!
Read the appeal in the different languages
Trump’s Second Term: NATO, war, and the economy *Watch Now*
Watch back our recent timely and interesting webinar, featuring in-depth analysis and up-to-the-minute assessments, with expert contributions from:
Continue reading → 2025/02/18 webinar
The True Face of NATO: Trump’s Second Term: NATO, war, and the economy
international webinar Tuesday February 18th at 6pm UK time; 7pm CET; 1pm EST Register here Donald Trump has returned to the presidency demanding that NATO nations increase their military spending to 5% of GDP, and threatening massive tariffs. His commitments to NATO remain uncertain, and his administration is changing the previous US approach to the Ukraine War,
Continue reading → 2024/04/25 youtube livestream video is online
Meeting: NATO in the Malvinas Islands Copy
For this video auto translation to English is possible via cc / subtitles activation and setting (auto generated English),
El clima bajo fuego cruzado
Cómo el objetivo del 2% de gasto militar de la OTAN contribuye al colapso climático
Nuevo tni report by Ho-Chih Lin, Nick Buxton, Mark Akkerman, Deborah Burton, Wendela de Vries,
Climate crossfire
How NATO’s 2% military spending targets contribute to climate breakdown
A new tni report by Ho-Chih Lin, Nick Buxton, Mark Akkerman, Deborah Burton, Wendela de Vries.
UK Pushes Mountain Destruction on Montenegro as Green Policy
By David Swanson, World BEYOND War, August 18, 2022 For years now, the people of Montenegro have sought to protect the Sinjajevina mountain plateau from the destruction to be brought by creating a military training ground vastly larger than the entire military of Montenegro could ever use. The NATO nations for whom the project actually exists
Continue reading →Glutkern des Westens | NATO-Manifest aus der Böll-Stiftung
von: Jürgen Wagner | Veröffentlicht am: 27. Januar 2021
NATO, Europe, US & China
31“….the rise of China is fundamentally shifting the global balance of power;heating up the race for economic and technological supremacy; multiplying the threats to open societies and individual freedoms; and increasing the competition over our values and our way of life.” This is how NATO chief, Jens Stoltenberg,speaking in June 2020, introduced his outline for NATO 2030,
Continue reading →Protesters hold back military takeover of Balkans’ largest mountain pasture
Montenegro’s military — and maybe NATO — want the Sinjajevina Highlands for maneuvers; traditional herding communities want these biodiverse alpine pasturelands conserved.
by John C. Cannon on 18 January 2021
Mongabay Series: Covering the Commons, Land rights and extractives
*Unasur-Generalsekretär: Lateinamerika muss auch militärisch unabhängig werden*
Lateinamerika | USA Ausländische Militärpräsenz gefährde Stabilität der Region. Vermehrt US-Stützpunkte und -Soldaten in lateinamerikanischen Ländern. Auch Nato fasst Fuß Quito. Der Generalsekretär der Union Südamerikanischer Nationen (Unasur), Ernesto Samper, hat erneut an die Regierungen Lateinamerikas appelliert, keine ausländischen Militärbasen in ihren Ländern zuzulassen. Hintergrund ist die zunehmende Zahl von US-Stützpunkten in mehreren Ländern in den… 04.10.2016
Continue reading →Statement from the German Section of IALANA
Open Appeal to the German Government and to the Council of Europe, OSCE and NATO I In February 2016 the Turkish Constitutional Court revoked the pre-trial imprisonment imposed upon two journalists who had uncovered support provided by Turkish authorities to militant Islamists in Syria. In response, the Turkish President Erdogan threatened the judges: “I don’t need to accept [this decision], I want to make that clear. I don’t obey or respect the decision.”[i] Deeds have now followed these words. The … Continue reading →