Tag Archives: NATOs_climate_policy
NATO – Klimakiller (de)
Erklärung der Global Women for Peace United Against NATO (GWUAN)
Die Nordatlantikpakt-Organisation ist ein 1949 gegründetes Militärbündnis von 31 Ländern des globalen Nordens. Die NATO wird von den Vereinigten Staaten dominiert, seit ihrer Gründung ist der Oberste Befehlshaber immer ein amerikanischer General. NATO-Verbündete müssen mit der US-Militärmaschinerie, dem größten Verbraucher fossiler Brennstoffe auf dem Planeten, interoperabel sein.
NATO is a Climate Killer (en)
Statement from the Global Women for Peace United Against NATO (GWUAN)
The North Atlantic Treaty Organisation is an exclusive military alliance of 31 Euro-Atlantic countries founded in 1949. It is dominated by the United States. Since its inception, the NATO Supreme Allied Commander has always been an American general. NATO allies must be interoperable with the US military machine, which is the largest consumer of fossil fuel on the planet.
NATO turns climate into a geopolitical weapon
NATO is taking another role in the global escalation of conflicts between the West and the global majority. It is not only a role in normal defence terms but a role more in general against anyone questioning the present development model. Atlantic Council which can in many ways be seen as a NATO propaganda tool has especially been attacking the cooperation in Sweden between the environmental and peace movement. It is also in Sweden NATO:s climate policy is spearheaded with … Continue reading →