Tag Archives: No-to-NATO.org
2024/07/11 @ 7pm EDT
Action for Peace and Climate Justice
Disarmament, Welfare and Climate – Cooperation West, East and South

– Oleg Bodrov, Ryssland, Soumya Dutta Indien, Marianne Laxén, Finland
If NATO stands for North Atlantic Treaty Organization then why are official members, their allies and their devastating military invasions and occupations all over the globe?
A webinar of the Resist NATO Coalition
🗓️ Sunday June 9th
⏱️ 9am Pacific Time / 11am Central Time / 12pm Eastern Time
🤔 If NATO stands for North Atlantic Treaty Organization then why are official members, their allies and their devastating military invasions and occupations all over the globe? Continue reading →
Third Annual 24-Hour PEACE WAVE 13h UTC – 13h UTC
This Peace Wave will happen during the RIMPAC war rehearsals in the Pacific and just prior to protests of NATO’s meeting in Washington in July.
2024/04/27 Registration open!
webinar: Women united against NATO speak out from Latin America
Saturday, April 27, 11a.m. – 12:30 p.m. EDT (East Cost USA)
Women united against NATO speak out from Latin America
with speakers from Cuba, Mexico and Venezuela.
Register in advance – Zoom-Link is here.
English <-> Spanish simultaneous interpretation available.
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2024/05/07 webinar update
Stopping the Israeli war machine: Solidarity with the people of Gaza!
Register in advance bit.ly/3UirDa4
Video Webinar: USA: Threats to World Peace, Interventions and Militarization
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zgd3Em6y-20 from Jul 26, 2021, but still actual and contains useful information about USA/NATO and Militarization in Latin America.
¡Basta de declaraciones de guerra! ¡Es hora de la diplomacia!
Declaración de la red internacional
NO a la GUERRA – NO a la OTAN
En una cumbre europea celebrada en París el mes pasado, el presidente francés Macron declaró que se podrían desplegar tropas terrestres de los estados de la OTAN en Ucrania. Su declaración es sintomática de la peligrosa lógica de la guerra en la que hemos caído. Está contribuyendo a la profecía autocumplida del militarismo que amenaza la seguridad y la estabilidad en todo el continente europeo. Si bien no se ha recibido ningún apoyo serio para esta declaración irresponsable, tales propuestas corren el riesgo de alimentar la escalada de violencia. Se ha observado con razón que enviar tropas de la OTAN a Ucrania sería una vía rápida hacia la tercera guerra mundial, probablemente una guerra nuclear.
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Stop the declarations of war! It is time for diplomacy!
Statement of the network
Stop the declarations of war! It is time for diplomacy!
At a European summit in Paris last month, French President Macron declared that ground troops from NATO states could be deployed in Ukraine. His statement is symptomatic of the dangerous logic of war into which we have fallen. He is contributing to the self-fulfilling prophecy of militarism that threatens security and stability across the European continent. While no serious support for this irresponsible statement has been forthcoming, such proposals risk fuelling the escalation of violence. It has rightly been observed that sending NATO troops to Ukraine would be a fast track to world war three – likely a nuclear war. Continue reading →
Halte aux déclarations de guerre! L’heure est à la diplomatie!
Déclaration du réseau international
Lors d’un sommet européen à Paris le mois dernier, le président français Macron a déclaré que des troupes terrestres des États de l’OTAN pourraient être déployées en Ukraine. Sa déclaration est symptomatique de la dangereuse logique de guerre dans laquelle nous sommes tombés. Il contribue à ce que se réalise la prophétie du militarisme qui menace la sécurité et la stabilité sur l’ensemble du continent européen. Bien qu’aucun soutien sérieux n’ait été apporté à cette déclaration irresponsable, de telles propositions risquent d’alimenter l’escalade de la violence. Il a été observé à juste titre que l’envoi de troupes de l’OTAN en Ukraine constituerait une étape sur la voie de la troisième guerre mondiale – potentiellement une guerre nucléaire. Continue reading →
2024/01/23 zoom
NATO/Militarism in Africa – Women Speak Out
Register here: masspeace.us/women-nato-africa
“Massachusetts Peace Action” will have the program on YouTube in the MAPA section.
Statement of the No to NATO network on
NATO 2030: United for a New Era.
The No to war – No to NATO Network condemns the proposals for a new NATO agenda, outlined in NATO 2030: United for a New Era. The report presents a dangerous expansion plan that will increase tension and the risk of war.
In 2020 NATO-Secretary-General Stoltenberg commissioned a group of 10 ‘experts’ to reflect on the future of NATO. In their report NATO 2030: United for a new Era they come up with 138 proposals that are supposed to help the military alliance meet key challenges in the next decade. The report was adopted by the NATO summit in Madrid 2022 and inspires all further NATO activities. Continue reading →
„Ukraine-Krise ist Teil des Ringens um eine neue Weltordnung“
Interview mit Reiner Braun (IPB, No to NATO network) in der Berliner Zeitung am 26.02.2022
2021/07/26 webinar
Download leaflet: Invitation to webinarpeace.pdf
Notes of the first No to NATO network meeting on NATO2030
February 4, 2021
- NATO 2030 arose from the declaration from the NATO Summit in London in December 2019 – the declaration called on NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg to initiate a “proposal for a forward-looking reflection process, drawing on relevant expertise, to further strengthen NATO’s political dimension”