The No to NATO network joined the statement.
Full statement_opposing US ROK war drills.pdf
#NoWarDrills #KoreaPeaceNow #KoreaPeaceAppeal.
The No to NATO network joined the statement.
Full statement_opposing US ROK war drills.pdf
#NoWarDrills #KoreaPeaceNow #KoreaPeaceAppeal.
Global Network and Save Jeju now
US agrees to immediately return 4 military bases to S. Korea The deliberations about who should be responsible for dealing with the contamination aren’t going smoothly. To date, there are no examples of the US taking responsibility for contamination and covering the cost of decontamination at military bases it has handed over in other countries, such as Japan and Germany. While the US acknowledges that the four bases are polluted, it reportedly denies that the contamination poses a “known, … Continue reading →
WEBINAR: “Stop U.S. THAAD and War Threats in Korea” A Report-back by the U.S. Solidarity Peace Delegation to South Korea Pre-register today! Featured Speakers: Jill Stein, Green Party Medea Benjamin, CODEPINK Reece Chenault, U.S. Labor Against the War Will Griffin, Veterans for Peace Juyeon Rhee, Task Force to Stop THAAD in Korea and Militarism in Asia and the Pacific Wednesday, August 30 8:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. EST *** Pre-Register for the Webinar *** … Continue reading →
Am Samstag, 8. Juli 2017 hat Inge Höger auf einer Kundgebung in Seoul, Südkorea vor mehreren Tausend Menschen die folgende Rede gehalten. Den Versammelten ging es darum, dass politische Gefangene (Gewerkschafter, linker Politiker und Friedensaktivisten), die in der Regierungszeit von Präsidentin Park Opfer willkürlicher Verhaftungen wurden, endlich freigelassen werden. junge Welt Artikel: Kampf um Demokratie
Continue reading →We, undersigned peace-loving people around the world, are deeply concerned about the current escalating tension in Northeast Asia and urge governments to have peaceful dialogues among each other rather than taking military actions. The state of affairs on the Korean Peninsula is more volatile than ever, now that President Park has been impeached and new government is to be constituted through an early presidential election in South Korea. The Trump administration, in the meantime, is fueling the escalating tension even … Continue reading →
Dear friend- There are two legal proceedings currently underway that will determine the future of democracy in South Korea – the Constitutional Court trial on the Park Geun-hye government’s petition to dissolve the opposition Unified Progressive Party (UPP); and the Supreme Court’s final review of the government’s case against UPP Representative Lee Seok-ki et al.
Continue reading →Friends, I thought that you might find the following disturbing article about U.S. simulated nuclear attacks on North Korea as part of the current war games of interest. I don’t normally look at the Washington Free Beacon, but in seeking to confirm the veracity of an e-mail message, I was channeled there by the conservative Weekly Standard,. There seem to be enough stories- including Business Week- on the web to confirm the following report and statements by Pentagon press secretary … Continue reading →