Unfortunately our webmaster has to fight cancer.
But the preparation of counter actions against the next NATO summit in Vilnius are on the way, organized mainly by woman_united_against NATO.
Unfortunately our webmaster has to fight cancer.
But the preparation of counter actions against the next NATO summit in Vilnius are on the way, organized mainly by woman_united_against NATO.
The No to war – No to NATO Network condemns the proposals for a new NATO agenda, outlined in NATO 2030: United for a New Era. The report presents a dangerous expansion plan that will increase tension and the risk of war.
In 2020 NATO-Secretary-General Stoltenberg commissioned a group of 10 ‘experts’ to reflect on the future of NATO. In their report NATO 2030: United for a new Era they come up with 138 proposals that are supposed to help the military alliance meet key challenges in the next decade. The report was adopted by the NATO summit in Madrid 2022 and inspires all further NATO activities. Continue reading →
En el Foro se realizarán:
The Forum will include:
Webinaire en anglais, avec la participation pour les pacifistes français de Arielle Denis, responsable à l’époque du Mouvement de la Paix.
The International Advisory Board advises the Stop Ramstein Air Base campaign. (www.stoppramstein.de)
The members of the international advisory board are:
Julieta Daza, Venezuela | Pat Elder, USA | Leo Gabriel, Austria | Joseph Gerson, USA | Ross Gwyther, Australia | Piotr Ikonowicz, Poland | John Lannon, Ireland | Alain Rouy, France | Ikuko Ueno, Japan | Dave Webb, England | Ann Wright, USA | Michael Youlton, Ireland.
By David Swanson, prepared for the
Drawing on the recently published book, The Monroe Doctrine at 200 and What to Replace it With
Video here (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y72Zk9cNfrc)
The No to NATO network invites all peace friends and colleagues to support us in the preparation of actions against the next NATO summit in Vilnius (11+12 July 2023)
Le mariage UE-OTAN reflète une mentalité de guerre froide
Le 10 janvier 2023, les dirigeants de l’OTAN et de l’Union européenne ont signé une nouvelle « déclaration conjointe sur la coopération UE-OTAN » *.
Elle fait suite aux déclarations précédentes de 2016 (à Varsovie) et 2018 (à Bruxelles) visant à renforcer le partenariat stratégique UE-OTAN.
En réalité, ces déclarations renforcent la militarisation de l’UE, confirment le rôle prépondérant des États-Unis à travers leur position de leader au sein de l’OTAN, font obstacle aux architectures de sécurité alternatives sur le continent européen et sapent les politiques de sécurité autonomes et/ou neutres de certains pays de l’UE qui ne sont pas membres de l’OTAN. Continue reading →
US Installs New Nukes in Europe: As Destructive as 83 Hiroshima Bombs
Visit this story at http://ipsnews.net/2023/01/us-installs-new-nukes-europe-destructive-83-hiroshima-bombs
El mundo en peligro de una guerra nuclear
Por Pablo Ruiz*
El mundo, en este año 2022, ha estado más cerca que nunca de que se produzca una guerra nuclear en el contexto de los enfrentamientos en Ucrania pero también de otros conflictos. Continue reading →
Lateinamerika hat im internationalen System ein eigenes Gewicht als Frieden bringender und stabilisierender Akteur gewonnen von Raina Zimmering amerika21 Auf der 77. Vollversammlung der Vereinten Nationen in New York trat am 22. September 2022 der mexikanische Außenminister Marcelo Ebrard mit einem Friedensvorschlag zur Beendigung des Ukraine-Krieges auf, der von weiteren lateinamerikanischen Ländern unterstützt wurde. Es geht um die Beendigung des Krieges durch Verhandlungen. https://amerika21.de/analyse/261444/lateinamerika-krieg-der-ukraine
Continue reading →Peace Week:
18-25 June 2023
the time has come
Social security instead of war!
Register here: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_w2CR0SRRTwKiIV2wtifwUg
Montag, 23. Januar, 19 Uhr Online-Veranstaltung: Mali – EUropas gescheiterte Hinterhofpolitik Seit nunmehr 10 Jahren ist die EU in der Sahelzone militärisch aktiv, insbesondere in Mali. Selbst als die Putschregierung in Mali ihre alten Kolonialherren samt Militärmission aus dem Land jagte, wurde die Entwicklung in den außenpolitischen Apparaten der EU wenig reflektiert. Heute muss festgehalten werden: Die Interventionspolitik der EU ist in Mali gescheitert. Doch was waren die Gründe des Scheiterns? Droht uns in Mali eine ähnliche Entwicklung … Continue reading →
Weiterlesen: 230120 Kriegsrat in Ramstein – Nein Danke.pdf
Start: Saturday, February 25, 2023 • 12:00 PM
Central London• Exact Location TBC, London, W1 GB
Declaration of the International Network
No to war – No to NATO
17 January 2023
On 10 January 2023, the leaders of NATO and the European Union signed a new joint declaration on EU-NATO cooperation.
It follows earlier declarations in 2016 (in Warsaw) and 2018 (in Brussels) aimed at strengthening the EU-NATO strategic partnership. Continue reading →
Let us call for a ceasefire in Ukraine for Christmas 2022/2023, from the 25 December to the 7 January, as a sign of our shared humanity, reconciliation, and peace.
See the latest development with the handover of the appeal on www.christmasappeal.ipb.org
Das Bremer Friedensforum hat zu dem vom IPB (International Peace Bureau) organisierten internationalen Appell für eine Waffenstillstand über Weihnachten eine Klappkarte erstellt.
Der folgende Artikel von Karl-Heinz Peil erschien letzten Samstag (3.12.2022) bei telepolis:
Umweltschäden durch US-Militärbasen – lokal und global
Auch hierzulande sind US-Militärbasen umweltbelastend. Schadstoffe können zu Gesundheitsschäden führen. Bürokratie und Sonderrechte behindern Lösungen.
Auch hierzulande sind US-Militärbasen umweltbelastend. Schadstoffe können zu Gesundheitsschäden führen. Bürokratie und Sonderrechte behindern Lösungen.
Con ocasión de la aprobación en el Congreso de los Presupuestos Generales del Estado para 2023, la Coordinación Estatal Contra la OTAN y las Bases manifiesta su más rotunda condena al sesgo belicista de estos, que contienen un incremento desmesurado en las partidas destinadas a los gastos militares, al tiempo que desatienden las apremiantes necesidades sociales consecuencia de una crisis sistémica que se profundiza por momentos.
Please register in advance: bit.ly/ipbsachsdecember08 (zoom link)
Posted on November 9, 2022 As part of a groundbreaking Blue Zone Side Event at COP27 on dealing with military and conflict related emissions under the UNFCCC, TPNS was invited to speak on the civil society perspective. It was organised by Ukraine and supported by CAFOD. TPNS joined their colleagues at Perspectives Climate Group, who presented our joint publication Military and Conflict-Related Emissions: Kyoto to Glasgow and Beyond. 150 attended the event, including national media from Germany, Switzerland Bloomberg and … Continue reading →
La red internacional “No a la guerra – no a la OTAN” apoya la siguiente declaración, emitida el 15 de noviembre de 2022 por la Campaña para el Desarme Nuclear (CND).
La Campaña para el Desarme Nuclear está profundamente preocupada por los informes sobre la explosión de un misil en Polonia y está consternada por la pérdida de vidas. Estos últimos acontecimientos exigen claridad y moderación. Este último episodio trágico en la actual guerra catastrófica en Ucrania no debería, y no debe, dar lugar a una respuesta militar escalada. Esto es especialmente importante dado el aumento de la amenaza nuclear. Hacemos un llamamiento a las Naciones Unidas y a la Organización para la Seguridad y la Cooperación en Europa (OSCE) para que aclaren los hechos ocurridos, y reiteramos nuestros llamamientos a una solución urgente y pacífica de este conflicto.
Gracias por la traducción a Pablo Ruiz, Chile.
The international “No to war – no to NATO” network supports the statement below, which was issued on 15 November 2022 from the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND).
The Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament is deeply concerned by reports of a missile explosion in Poland and is appalled that lives have been lost. These most recent developments demand clarity and restraint. This latest tragic episode in the ongoing catastrophic war in Ukraine should not, and must not, result in an escalated military response. This is especially important given the heightened nuclear threat. We call on the United Nations and the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) to clarify the facts of what took place, and we reiterate our calls for an urgent and peaceful resolution to this conflict.
Where is Europe going? | Dove va l’Europa?
Twenty years after the first European Social Forum, 2022-Florence wants to be a further opportunity, along with others taking place in Europe, to foster the convergence of European social actors, organisations and social movements, after a long period of geographical and thematic fragmentation and at a tragic time.